SMUS Windows 10 FAQ

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How do I log out?

Option 1: Click Start, then click Sign Out
Option 2: Right click Start, then click Shut down or sign out -> Sign out

How do I set Firefox/Chrome as my default browser?

Step 1: Click Start, then the gear that corresponds to Settings
Step 2: Click the System button
Step 3: Click the Default apps button
Step 4: Click the Web browser setting and choose your preferred browser

How do I open PDFs in Adobe Acrobat?

Step 1: Click Start, then the gear that corresponds to Settings
Step 2: Click the System button
Step 3: Click the Default apps button
Step 4: Click the "Choose default apps by file type" link
Step 5: Scroll down to .pdf and choose app "Adobe Acrobat DC"

What should I do at the end of the day?

Where is the power button on the new computers?

Why am I asked to set up OneDrive?

Where is File Explorer/My Computer?