SDSHOWTO:Student photos

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Basic Requirements

  • You need photos in .jpg format named by student number, eg 123456.jpg .
  • Photos should be shrunk down and compressed (procedure below)

Software Required


  • Extract the photos off of the photo CDs that are provided by each school

Resizing Photos

  • Create an empty folder to store the resized photos
  • Make sure the batch process plugin is installed. It is located in MIS Share under ISO\gimp_batch_process
  • Run GIMP
  • Go to Filters -> Batch Process
  • On the Input tab, click the Add Files button
  • Select all of the photos to be resized and click the Add button (this takes a while), then click the Close button on the Add Image Files window
  • On the Resize tab, check "Enable" then select "Absolute" immediately underneath. Enter width 216 and height 288 with fit Inside
  • On the Rename tab, click the "Select Dir" button and choose your empty folder
  • On the Output tab, choose Format JPG, and ensure quality is set to 0.75
  • Click the Start button at the bottom of the window and wait until the resize is complete

Uploading Photos

  • Run WinSCP
  • Create a new session to hostname: SDS1, username: your Linux username, password: your Linux password
  • Drag your resized photo directory across to your home directory on SDS1

Importing Photos

  • Run PuTTY and connect via SSH to sds1
  • Create a new directory in the /var/www folder with the correct name. The format is:

where you should only need to update the years. The command to create the directory is:

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/StudentPhotos2013-2014
  • Copy the files into that directory:
sudo cp ~/YourFolderName/*.jpg /var/www/StudentPhotos2013-2014/
  • Log into API
  • Go to Admin Menu -> Migration -> Photos import
  • Click the Import Photos button


  • Each campus can be done individually. Since each student number is different, copying in additional photos to the StudentPhotos20xx-20yy will not overwrite any files that are present.
  • Retakes can be handled in exactly the same way. The new photos will overwrite the old photos. When you run the Photos import in SDS, it will overwrite their previous picture with their new picture.

Grade Photos

  • Take the photos sent by the campus and crop them down to a somewhere between a 30x10 to a 26x10 aspect ratio (eg: 3000x1000 or 2600x1000)
  • Save with quality 85 in Gimp or 8 in Photoshop with filename grade_csy.jpg (eg: 9_24.jpg for grade 9 in 2013-2014)
  • SCP using WinSCP to SDS1
  • SSH to SDS1 then run the following command:
sudo cp 9_24.jpg /var/www/sites/
  • Test the ROA and ensure that everything fits correctly. You can do this by searching for a student, clicking Info, going to the Links and Reports tab, then clicking Record of Achievement. If the list of names doesn't look nice (eg: 5 columns into the fold between pages), you may need to crop the photo a little bit more.