SDS:Prnt gov header.php

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This page allows you to print the headers for the 1004 and 1104 provincial exam registration forms.

Fields, Boxes, and Buttons (oh my!)

Select Student drop-down: click here to browse an alphabetical list of all students and pick the one for whom you wish to print form headers.
Select Printer drop-down: click here to browse a list of printers. Choose Print to Screen to create a PDF that will either open in a browser window or download to your computer depending on your personal browser settings. The PDF File option creates a PDF report in /sds-reports/ on the SDS server.

If you select Print-to-Screen and you already have a "file.pdf" in your download folder, the new file will be called "file(1).pdf".
Each additional file will be incremented: "file(2).pdf", "file(3).pdf", etc.